Why Neuroscience

Intriguing Questions

Intriguing Questions

Did you know…

…a single part of the brain (the prefrontal cortex aka PFC) is responsible for strategic thought, morality, attuned communication, fear moderation, emotional balance, intuition, and the ability to control impulses.

Are these capacities important to your business?

…sleep, diet, exercise, social connection, meditation, and sunlight are fundamental ingredients that allow the PFC to function properly.

Does this change how you think about health and the bottom line?

…the human brain is not well-equipped to handle distractions and multitasking? Switching from task to task causes huge losses in productivity and dramatically increases the likelihood of error.

Does your corporate culture aid or diminish the ability to focus?

…how we perceive our status in a group affects our capacity for intelligent thought?

Are you conscious of how you confer or strip status from the people you manage?

…we are biologically encoded to learn through story and conversation?

Do you carefully craft the conversation and story of your organization?

…the human brain encodes habits as being essential to our survival and is designed to make change feel uncomfortable?

Do you know how to overcome this tendency and motivate positive change?

…lack of sleep shuts down parts of the brain essential to intellectual work, including vital speech centers? Many knowledge workers operate with a sleep debt in a range that rivals or exceeds the effects of being drunk.

How seriously would you take it if your employees were coming to work drunk on a daily basis?

….anxiety and stress affect the brain’s ability to consolidate memory?

Is remembering ideas, conversations and agreements important for your business success?

…typical meeting PowerPoint presentations far exceed the brain’s ability to take in and encode new information? Even for the unstressed and well rested?

When was the last time you felt engaged and excited by a PowerPoint deck?

…the brain releases dopamine, a pleasure chemical necessary for neural rewiring (learning), when employees experience “aha” moments? Conversely, very little re-wiring happens when we are told what to do and how to do it?

Do you know how to facilitate learning and coach? Or do you tell?